087 805 8500

Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme honours tertiary student funders

November 23, 2018

Isfap Admin

The Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme (ISFAP) hosted a successful Recognition Dinner, honouring their bursars, funders and donors who have assisted them in funding tertiary students in the year 2017 and 2018.

The dinner was attended by senior executives of distinguished companies such as their founding members- Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA) , The Banking Association (BASA), The Association for savings and investments South Africa (ASISA), First Rand Foundation (FRF) and the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants(SAICA), other professional bodies and all their funders and donors both from the private and public sectors who are the key contributors to the success and  vision ISFAP to fund  disadvantaged and missing middle students.

ISFAP has identified that the needs of the economy require certain critical skills if the country is to achieve higher rates of economic growth to reduce the triple challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequality.

ISFAP Chairman Sizwe Nxasana reminded everyone in attendance what ISFAP is all about. “ISFAP is an enabler for young people to reach their fullest potential by helping them acquire the skills they need to be geared up for the 21st and 22nd Centuries and the 4th and 5th Industrial Revolutions,” says Nxasana. “Not only that, but we assist corporate South Africa in the private and public sector to get the best candidates that can carry their vision in those companies for the years to come.”

Nxasana says “unlike other student funding models, we are committed to using our strategic intent of SHARED VALUE to connect all stakeholders of our economy to produce a high calibre of skilled young people who are geared up for meaningful participation in the economy,” adds Nxasana, speaking on ISFAP commitment to supporting students that will shape the future of South Africa’s economy.

“The 4th Industrial Revolution is upon us; coming to the fore with Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Block chain and Social Media. We are working with companies to assist in training students for occupations of high demand that will be useful in the future,” he says.

ISFAP is funded by both private and public sector entities and has worked closely with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and Department of Trade and Industry (dti).

The event was also graced with the attendance of students who benefit from the ISFAP funding; Ian Stols and Monni Cordelia Makhwiting from the University of Pretoria as well as Nokuthula Khwasha. The students shared their experiences of the programme with the donors and funders, expressing how ISFAP has helped them in the pursuit of their dreams.

About Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme (ISFAP)

The Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme (ISFAP) was established in 2016 to develop a sustainable funding model for the higher education costs of South Africa’s missing middle students. The programme aims to fast track South Africa’s skills production for the 21st century by funding the higher education costs of students studying towards a career in scarce skills that have been identified as critical to South Africa’s economic development.

 ISFAP provides more than just funding to ensure a student’s success. Using a unique wraparound support model, developed and successfully implemented by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants’ (SAICA’s) Thuthuka Bursary Fund, ISFAP provides funding for accommodation, meals, books, equipment and a stipend. The programme also offers additional academic, social and psychological support (such as mentoring and life skills training) to give students support in every area in order to ensure their success.

Issued by:
Yvonne Ntiwane
ISFAP Marketing Manager

ISFAP - the Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme - was established to assist poor and 'missing' middle income university students in selected fields of study to afford the university fees by means of providing financial aid provided the candidate meets certain prescribed requirements.
©  Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme Foundation NPC

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